Goal 1
Sustain a distinct Community Identity for Lakeway that sets us apart, while being a leader in western Travis County.
Goal 2
Preserve and Enhance our Environment through diligent and responsible stewardship initiatives.
Goal 3
Ensure Wise Land Use by ensuring that the few remaining undeveloped tracts of land and land prime for redevelopment are zoned and platted in a manner consistent with the desired character of the City.
Goal 4
Develop and Pursue Transportation Strategies that reduce traffic delays, improve connectivity, enhance mobility, and improve safety.
Goal 5
Ensure that Lakeway’s Infrastructure Is in Excellent Shape and technologically up to date, working closely with regional service providers.
Goal 6
Cultivate a Broad Set of Community Recreational and Cultural Programs appealing to citizens of all ages and interests, thus providing the finer things in life for our community and preserving our local heritage.
Goal 7
Build and Renew Community Facilities and Parks commensurate with 40% population growth and public interest.
Goal 8
Encourage Careful expansion of Business and Economic Development consistent with the character of Lakeway and sound fiscal management.
Goal 9
Work Closely and Cooperatively with Area Organizations and Governments that impact key services and quality of life in Lakeway, e.g., municipal utility districts (MUDs), Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), Lake Travis Independent School District (LTISD), Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce (LTC of C), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), utility providers, and others.
Goal 10
Remain Committed to Long-Range Planning and carefully ensure that the approved plans are faithfully implemented.