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Lakeway 2025 Comprehensive Plan

An update to the Lakeway 2020 Comprehensive Plan

The City of Lakeway is looking to update the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. This site will provide updates about the process and opportunities to provide input on materials created for the updated plan. 



Project Timeline

The 2025 Comprehensive Plan planning process will consist of four phases, each with an opportunity for community engagement. During the first phase, we will gather feedback from the community to set the vision and goals. In the second phase, we will define the path forward based on additional community engagement. The third phase will create a road map for implementing the path forward. Finally, in the fourth phase, the plan will be shared with boards and commissions for feedback and approval. This process will take place in the next 12 to 14 months. 


Set Vision & Goals Summer 2024, Define a Path Fall 2024, Prioritize Implementation Winter 2025, Review & Adopt Spring 2025

Project Goals

Community Dialogues

Steering Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

Why is this update important now?

How will the plan be created?

Community Engagement

Defining the Vision and Goals

Understanding the Possibilities

Choosing a Preferred Path Forward

Key Maps

Land Use Map

Zoning Map

Thoroughfare Plan Map

Other Projects in Lakeway

As the comprehensive plan is updated, many other projects are underway in Lakeway. Click the links below to find updates regarding those projects. 

RM 620 Projects

RM 620 Overlay Zoning Distirct

2024 Parks Bond

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